Practice Explorer

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There are 65 found practices.
To read more about the the practices in this table, click on Description tab above. To review the personnel efforts, time and cost for implementation of the found practices, click on Implementation tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Category Target group
Bilingual information systems (English and local language) Language Support, Language Policy Institutional Processes PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers Lecturers (incl. Language Teachers)
Bilingual campus signs (English and local language) Social Integration & Daily Life Safety, Healthcare & Wellbeing Promotion & Visibility PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers Lecturers (incl. Language Teachers)
Academic skills training for international PhD students/researchers/academics Profesional & Academic Development PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers
Academic mentoring programme for international PhD students Profesional & Academic Development PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers
Labour market information for spouses Social Integration & Daily Life Family Matters Profesional & Academic Development Internationals spouses/family members
There are 65 found practices.
To review the personnel efforts, time and cost for implementation of the found practices, click on Implementation tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Description
Bilingual information systems (English and local language)

Information Systems (IS) are an extremely important aspect of any properly organized institution, academic institutions in particular. As its components collect, store, organize, and distribute data throughout the organization, it could be said that in order to get acquainted with an institution, one has to have access to its information system. However, most academic institutions possess information systems in their country's official language. Due to that fact, international PhD students, academic, and management staff members may find it difficult to understand the data. 


Bilingual campus signs (English and local language)

The use of bilingual signage at key university areas creates an internationally welcoming environment by facilitating orientation and access to main university sites and helping international students and staff navigate the campus.   

Academic skills training for international PhD students/researchers/academics

By offering a wide range of possibilities for helping international research staff (in addition to local staff), including PhD students, develop their professional knowledge and skills higher education institutions enable them to fulfill their potential as researchers, make their stay more meaningful professionally and academically and thus contribute to their professional integration in the institution or the national labour market.

Academic mentoring programme for international PhD students

Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be (Eric Pasloe).

A dedicated mentoring programme for PhD students allows institutions to encourage students to progress with their thesis, connect PhD candidates with alumni and local peers, support academics in their professional development, and build a vibrant academic community at the institution.

International PhD students can particularly benefit from their engagement in an institutional mentoring programme by expanding their professional network in the host country, gaining knowledge about local academic culture and traditions, gain tangible academic/professional experience (e.g. workplace visits, shadowing, interview experience, placements, a graduate job), develop written and verbal communication in the local language. Academic mentoring programmes therefore greatly contribute to the professional and social integration of early-stage international scholars.

Labour market information for spouses

Employment is one of the ways to facilitate the integration of foreign academics’ family members. This service will help the target group to acquire basic information about the labour market quickly. As a result, they will maintain continuity in their professional activity and improve their professional portfolio. This may also increase the financial stability and comfort of the researcher's spouses during the mobility.

There are 65 found practices.
To read more about the the practices in this table, click on Description tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Importance Scale of change Setup cost Setup time Setup personnel Delivery cost Delivery time Delivery personnel
Bilingual information systems (English and local language) Essential to have
Bilingual campus signs (English and local language) Important to have
Academic skills training for international PhD students/researchers/academics Important to have
Academic mentoring programme for international PhD students Important to have
Labour market information for spouses Nice to have

Page 4 of 4, showing 5 record(s) out of 65 total