Practice Explorer

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There are 65 found practices.
To read more about the the practices in this table, click on Description tab above. To review the personnel efforts, time and cost for implementation of the found practices, click on Implementation tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Category Target group
Volunteering programme for spouses/international partners Family Matters Social Integration & Daily Life Internationals spouses/family members
Welcome buddies/guides for international PhD students and academics Social Integration & Daily Life Family Matters Networking PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers Lecturers (incl. Language Teachers)
Welcome event for new international PhDs/academics Social Integration & Daily Life Profesional & Academic Development Networking Promotion & Visibility PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers Lecturers (incl. Language Teachers)
Welcome package for international PhDs/scholars Social Integration & Daily Life Language Support, Language Policy Family Matters Profesional & Academic Development Networking Social security, Health Insurance, Taxation PhD student/Early career researcher R2 - R4 researchers Lecturers (incl. Language Teachers)
Workshop on career planning for international PhD students Profesional & Academic Development PhD student/Early career researcher
There are 65 found practices.
To review the personnel efforts, time and cost for implementation of the found practices, click on Implementation tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Description
Volunteering programme for spouses/international partners

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, become familiar with the community and develop skills to include on a resume. 

Volunteer opportunities offered to international partners help spouses connect and feel welcome as international students and scholars embark on a new life in another country. Such opportunities foster the level of satisfaction, social integration and wellbeing of international students and staff and their family members.


Welcome buddies/guides for international PhD students and academics

This is a form of personal assistance that helps international PhD students and academics with the adaptation process in the new environment handling not only practical issues but also help them with social and cultural integration. While the basic services such as airport/train transport assistance or arrival to the hosting university/faculty can be provided by local undergraduate students (Erasmus+ buddies), international PhD students and academics, especially in terms of social and cultural integration, need a more sophisticated approach and the commitment of his/her new colleagues.

Welcome event for new international PhDs/academics

This is an opportunity to welcome the international PhD students, academics and researchers, distribute information and meet hosting HEI’s staff in person. It can also be a way to promote HEI research and didactic work among international PhD students and academics. HEI’s external partners can enrich the sessions with their presentations and other events as a way of popularising their work. Social events accompanying the welcome event are an important way of establishing social and professional networks. 


Welcome package for international PhDs/scholars

Well-designed, clearly structured and regularly updated bilingual PDF document that serves for orientation and support of international PhD students and staff.

It is also useful to have the Welcome Pack downloadable from the website which international PhDs/visiting scholars use to get informed about their stay and activities at your university.

The package should contain:

  • Guide on the organisation administrative procedures,
  • Cultural guide/information leaflet about the city,
  • Contact details for the services offered by the hosting institution to the international researchers prior to or on the day of their arrival.

By providing such a pack the institution ensures that the incoming researcher/PhD student will be able to:

  • understand better the hosting organisation's culture,
  • understand better the local culture,
  • avoid potential misunderstandings.
Workshop on career planning for international PhD students

Short interactive workshop to familiarise PhD researchers with basic career planning methods and tools and introduce them into the job search strategies and tools for researchers (in both local and international labour market).

By the end of the workshop participants should:

  • Understand the key steps of career planning process and know the basic tools to support to support it;
  • Be more aware about their skills and capabilities they have and need to develop and how these are linked to different career paths in academia and beyond;
  • Be more aware about the various career paths for researchers;
  • Be more knowledgeable about the local and international labour market for researchers and main job search tools and strategies;
  • Be able to formulate a personal action plan to follow up after the workshop.
There are 65 found practices.
To read more about the the practices in this table, click on Description tab above. To find out all details of the selected practice, click on its title.
Title Importance Scale of change Setup cost Setup time Setup personnel Delivery cost Delivery time Delivery personnel
Volunteering programme for spouses/international partners Nice to have
Welcome buddies/guides for international PhD students and academics Important to have
Welcome event for new international PhDs/academics Important to have
Welcome package for international PhDs/scholars Essential to have
Workshop on career planning for international PhD students Nice to have

Page 4 of 4, showing 5 record(s) out of 65 total