The main aim of institutional events for support staff is to strengthen the professional knowledge of support staff through different types of meetings/events but also optimize information flows and procedures. Via these events, they can share experience and ideas, develop and share contacts within and outside of the organisation and improve internal processes. External experts/partners can be invited to such events or they can be organised jointly with them to expand and deepen collaborations for the sake of a smoother incoming researcher and academic staff mobility. The practice could eventually prepare the ground or even lead towards a broader scope of further professional development activities for support staff, including various focused trainings.
Better communication and cooperation Improved access to information Improved quality of service
Categories | Capacity Building of Support & Management Staff |
Mobility stages | Institutional setup |
Delivery schedule | Periodic |
Importance | Important to have |
Scale of organizational change | ![]() |
Target groups | Administrative staff |
When establishing the effective and successful institutional events for support staff you should take into consideration the following steps:
Phase 1 – Mapping the current state
The periodicity, and number of organised events can depend on the size of institution. In general, when defining the plan for this practice, consider collecting information about the following points at your institution:
It is also interesting to find out about:
Phase 2 - Detailed planning
Based on the activities in Phase 1:
Phase 3 - Delivery planning
Cost of practice setup | ![]() |
Time required for practice setup | ![]() |
Personnel effort required for practice setup | ![]() |
Actors involved in practice setup |
Partners involved in practice setup |
Indicators for evaluating progress/quality of practice setup |
Internal actors:
@HR office -this department is probably responsible for all the relevant documents regarding wages, taxation, social security and related information provided to academics/researchers, in some case even to PhD students
@International relations office - this department is probably responsible for the whole process of internationalization/welcoming and providing all relevant information and assistance to incoming PhD students/researchers/academics
@Study department - this department is typically responsible for PhD students
@Research office - this department is probably reponsible for any agenda related to research
@Dean´s office - can initiate and support regular meetings and networking events among support staff at faculty level
@Vice-Rectorate´s office - can initiate and support regular meetings and networking events among support staff at international relations offices
External collaborators:
@EURAXESS centre - might organise similar events for the EURAXESS Network members and a broader audience, so it is advised to coordinate with them and check their updates
Delivery of practice depends on the actual scope, focus, and types of events organised.
Internal meetings of support staff members dealing with international researchers/PhD students/academics
Trainings for support staff within the university with external speakers (see also practice Inter-institutional events for support staff and Soft skill training for support staff)
Cost of practice delivery | ![]() |
Time required for practice delivery | ![]() |
Personnel effort required for practice delivery | ![]() |
Actors involved in practice delivery |
Partners involved in practice delivery |
Indicators for evaluating progress/quality of practice delivery |
External collaborators:
@EURAXESS centres - EURAXESS centres can be a great source of information for the support staff. They can communicate the different questions and tasks they face while dealing with the international researchers. Moreover, the support staff can participate in different events organised for them including trainings, webinars etc.
@Municipality/local or regional government - HEIs can collaborate with the municipality or local/regional government when organizing various events or alumni (providing a representative venue for alumni gatherings, international academics welcome address, building the image of the city/region/common brand awareness events, inviting alumni as speakers to various relevant events related to major societal issues...internal meetings of support staff can be used for planning joint avtivities with minicipality/local/regiona government
@ Health insurance companies & social insurance companies & immigration office & tax office - when dealing with different tasks of support staff, collaboration with the staff in health insurance and social insurance companies and immigration, tax offices can be of great help in terms of providing the incoming researchers/PhD students/academics information regarding the health insurance system, social security, work contract, taxation in the country or administrative issues required by the foreign police.
@Other HEIs - In case of study visits or erasmus for administrative staff is important to collaborate with other HE institutions. Thanks to this networking the support staff gain new experience and good practices which can later use in your institution.
Example of good practice - University of Primorska, Slovenia - due to current pandemic situation the support staff of international offices have started regular internal online meetings to keep themselves updated about the latest information. These meetings have detailed agenda program regarding the current issues which need to be discussed. (good practice comes from the personal interview)